There are four ways to take part in our auctions: room-bidding, leaving written pre-bids, telephone- or online-bidding. Here You will find all about bidding in our auctions.
The internet bid
The easiest way to participate in our auctions is to use our online-catalogue. Here you can view all the items and directly place written pre-bids.
Using the auction platforms lot-tissimo, the-saleroom and liveauctioneers and Sixbid you are able to to bid online. So you can submit your bids in real time during the auction. Therefor it is necessary to register on the platform of your choice not later than 24 hours before the auction starts.
For successful internet bids via The Saleroom the buyer’s premium is 26,5%.
If you are personally present at the auction, you will be provided with a bidder’s card and a bidder’s number at our reception desk, after registration with your personal identity card. Please keep your bidder’s card until the end of each auction day. By means of this card you do not only bid in the auction, but it is also needed for final invoicing after auction.
The bid-steps normally increase by 10 %, for example 120-130-140-150-170-190... If you want to bid, you do so clearly and visibly holding up your bidder’s card. The auctioneer takes note of your bid as well as of other bids by phone, internet or other bidders present at the auction and coordinates them. If no higher bid is placed after your bid, you will be the winning bidder. In this case hold up your bidder’s card once again briefly to enable the auction team to register your bidder’s number.
If you should happen to hold up your hand without wanting to bid, please do not worry! Inform the auction team accordingly, and, if there is any doubt, the position number will be called up anew.
If you have been successful with the lots you have been interested in, please return your bidder’s card to the reception desk and you will receive your invoice. The amount has to be paid for in cash or by EC card. We do not accept any credit cards at all.
At the collection point for autioned-off goods you will receive your purchased items. Please check immediately if all items are in order. Later complaints cannot be considered.
The telephone-bid
In order to enable you to participate in the auction also from your home or elsewhere while travelling, you might be doing so by phone. Please use our online-catalogue to mark the lots you are interested in for telephone-bidding. Alternatively you can send us a list with the lot-numbers by letter, Email or facsimile.
Our auction team will call registered telephone-bidders during the auction shortly when the wanted position is called up.
Prerequisite for this service for bidders unknown to us is a reference by your bank or a deposit in form of a certified check. Telephone-bidding is possible only by lots with a bid-value higher than 150.-€!
Please make sure that your telephone-bids reach the auction house not later than 12 o’clock a.m. one day before the auction starts.
Written Pre-bids
If you are not able to participate in the auction personally, you are kindly invited to send us your bids in advance in writing. Our online-catalogue offers you an easy way to search for items and place your written pre-bids directly. As an alternative, you might also send us your maximum bid by Email or facsimile. The deadline for written bids is 12 o’clock a.m. one day before the auction starts.
Written pre-bids are dealt with according to the principle of „safeguarding the bidder’s interest“. This means, we do not only use your written pre-bids to overbid the bid of another bidder just one bid increment. In this way, it might be possible that you have actually left a maximum pre-bid of e.g. 351,- € for an item, but the second higher bid is only 200.- €. Thus, you would be successful already at a bid-amount of 220.- €.
Your invoice will be sent to you by Email as soon as possible after the auction.